Castle of Blackwater, the world’s first Play-to-Earn (P2E) social deduction game, introduced the Genesis collection as a special micro collection for the earliest supporters of the project. As a next gen blockchain game, it will on-board web3 gamers.
Castle of Blackwater seeks to redefine blockchain gaming through a fun-focused experience backed by a unique economic model. The Genesis NFT is not only offering gamers a state-of-the-art gaming experience but it comes with more outstanding features. For starters, individuals will be able to stake their NFT’s for free future tokens, as well as rent out the NFT to other players as a source of passive income. This Genesis NFT features only 600 limited edition pieces, making the owners important in the project. In addition, individuals gain access to live demos when new features or characters arise. These NFT owners will also obtain development voting power to ensure the functionality of the ecosystem.
With an intriguing backstory and engaging characters, individuals can enjoy endless replayability of the game. According to statistics, many P2E games tend to be beneficial in the initial stages, with many gamers who join the marketplace later remaining stagnant or losing out. The good news is that the economy and Play-to-Earn model of the Castle of Blackwater has been strategically placed to counter such concerns. The economic model is designed to be inclusive, sustainable and scalable in the long-term to ensure gamers and investors benefit in the long-term.
As Q1 of 2023 nears completion, it has been promising, with gamers looking forward to an internal Alpha build and the launch of the public beta. The success of the Castle of Blackwater gaming experience is definitely thanks to their experienced, reliable, and dedicated founders and a strong team in the gaming and blockchain field.
Visit the official website to remain up-to-date on the game expectations and get involved with a Genesis character NFT.
Mr. Karnav Shah, Editor in Chief at Cryptonaire Weekly says, “Castle of Blackwater‘s Genesis NFT is a game-changer for the gaming industry. It’s exciting to see how they are redefining the space with their innovative approach and use of blockchain technology. This project has the potential to bring NFTs into mainstream gaming, and we’re thrilled to be featuring them in our upcoming publications.”
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