The concept of blockchain tech in healthcare in undoubtedly disruptive but this is not to be confused with a magic pill that will solve emerging problems in an ever-changing and interconnected digital health ecosystem. It should be considered as an evolutionary journey for blockchain-based applications in the healthcare industry.

The adoption of blockchain technology in different sectors is gaining popularity and making headlines, and the healthcare industry is no different. There is a wide range of blockchain applications in healthcare that are benefiting the industry. Blockchain-enabled IT systems seek to provide solutions to challenges such as health data interoperability, security, as well as integrity. 

Blockchain has the ability to retain a decentralised and transparent log of patient data, as well as retain the aspect of confidentiality, thus protecting the sensitivity of medical and healthy content. In addition, blockchain’s decentralised nature allows healthcare providers and patients to share sensitive information fast and safely. 

What’s Radiologex? 

Radiologex brings you the first global Medical Interactive Network that utilises blockchain technology to empower its users with the right tools to complete tasks that are essential to worldwide healthcare for both professionals and other participants in the field. The key objective is to provide a one-stop-shop for medical and healthcare concerns. 

Radiologex is a secure, all-in-one technology platform and network specialised in the global healthcare industry. The hypothesis of building this network was due to the need for the healthcare industry having a single all-encompassing technological solution that connects all industry participants in a secure and cost-efficient manner. The main problems that led to such establishment include; Data Privacy, Security, User Identification, and Market Transparency. Hence, the Radiologex network was built to have an all-in-one solution available from any part of the world and on any smart device.

Radiologex solutions include the Radiologex Digital Encryption Environment (R-DEE) that provides a one-stop technology platform ecosystem and high-speed network. The R-DEE network connects the global healthcare industry in real-time, on any web-connected device (desktop browser/tablet/mobile) using advanced user-authentication technology and a strict built-in KYC protocol. The platform has a working product with existing customers and a network with over 4,000 global nodes built. Furthermore, the network has incorporated proprietary software and blockchain architecture designed specifically for the medical industry use. The platform is currently being used by global clients, including healthcare systems and government linked entities. 

The Radiologex platform has the capability to transfer, analyse and process medical images, manage patient records, schedules and referrals, settling monetary transaction in any currency or affordable financing solutions. Utility such as 24/7 communication, privacy within teams or enterprises can be achieved via text, audio or video, end-to-end encrypted and HIPAA-compliant vendors and service providers. An added advantage of the platform is shopping in all healthcare goods and equipment in a global market of KYC-verified users. The revenue streams of the platform include; Subscription Dues, Commission Fees, Licensing Fees, Network Fees and Advertising Space.

There is already an estimated number of about 70 million people connected and affiliated within the healthcare industry who are potential users of R-DEE. Concerning how to take part, Radiologex Security Token Offering is live and open with a limited number of security interest mainly known as “Tokens” available for purchase.

What Makes Radiologex Disruptive? 

Radiologex provides a unique and highly-sophisticated technological solution that addresses current healthcare industry problems, which require special attention given to the carefully researched issues that medical establishments hold most near and dear, such as: significantly reducing operational costs, greatly increasing network speed, facilitating wide-ranging communication capabilities, significantly enhancing operational transparency, providing an intuitive and user friendly technology experience, and promoting marketplace efficiency and connectivity.

According to Rachel Felnman, Vice President of Tampa General Hospital’s InnoVentures, “The benefit for us as health system is the more we can keep a patient on the path of getting the care they need at the time and place they need it, the less complex and costly for all involved. And, ultimately, better care is provided.” 

Radiologex seeks to meet this need by allowing individuals to access better healthcare services anywhere in the globe with the help of a smart device. 

The network has seven key applications modules running on top to facilitate and incentivise different types of users to perform their intended functions in healthcare in a manner that is time and cost-effective like never before. This is achieved by creating a secure, standardised software network that brings together different functions such as payments, logistics, marketplaces, and data-sharing systems into one self-sustaining and interoperable ecosystem. The modules are built in a modern manner, industrious tech product, and the platform leverages best-in-class security and user-experience primitives in its design and development.

R-DEE Platform Features 

The R-DEE network is built on a vast distributed data delivery and storage network, with a next generation borderless healthcare interactivity that offers a number of modules to boost its functionality. The features include: 

– Content creation and distribution 

Thanks to R-DEE Stream, users will be able to create and distribute healthcare-exclusive information in various formats. The information would include analytic reports and medical documentation, as well as instructional material. 

– End-to-end encrypted storage 

R-DEE Vault is responsible for offering a secure storage solution. It is built on a hybrid cloud-DLT stack. With this feature, individuals are able to enjoy granular file control/permissions as well as unlimited storage capacities to ensure that you do not have to delete relevant information at any point. 

– 24-hour service provider access 

With instant, on-demand access to service providers anywhere in the world, R-DEE Expert provides a meeting point for experts and end users. In addition, it allows for payment processing and ensures vendor reliability. 

– Purchase and sale of healthcare products 

The R-DEE Platform acts as a commercial hub allowing for the trade of healthcare products. After making a purchase, the platform ensures secure transaction processing at a global level. 

– Payment capabilities 

The platform features R-DEE Pay, which promotes various transactions that have a worldwide USD-backed stable currency to allow for seamless international settlements, including smart contract capabilities, payroll, and access to financing.  

– End-to-end encrypted communication

What’s Radiologex STO? 

Radiologex STO is a security token offering that is live and available for investment in portfolio, but at the moment, it has a limited number of security interest “Tokens” available for purchase; the symbol for this security is “RDG”. Keep in mind that a TOP STO allows you to eliminate the need of a middleman, thus eliminating any broker fees. Individuals can then exercise full financial freedom. Investors can earn residual revenue through tokenised stock or trade (buy and sell tokens) when prices are agreeable. 

The security token is backed up by Radiologex Platform and services offered on the platform. The hypothesis of building this network was due to need for the healthcare industry having a single all-encompassing technological solution that connects all industry participants in a secure and cost-efficient manner.  The main problems that lead to such establishment include; data privacy, security, user-identification, and market transparency. Hence, the Radiologex network was built to have an all-in-one solution available from anywhere, on any device.

Radiologex solutions include the Radiologex Digital Encryption Environment (R-DEE), which provides a one-stop technology platform ecosystem and high-speed network. R-DEE connects the global healthcare industry in real-time, on any web-connected device (desktop browser/tablet/mobile), using advanced user-authentication technology and a strict built-in KYC protocol. The platform has working product with existing customers and network with over 4,000 global nodes built. Furthermore, the network has incorporated proprietary software and blockchain architecture designed specifically for medical industry use. The platform is currently being used by global clients, including healthcare systems and government linked entities. 

The Radiologex platform has capability to transfer, analyse and process medical images, managing patient records, schedules and referrals, settling monetary transaction in any currency or affordable financing solutions. Utility such as 24/7 communication, privacy, within Teams or Enterprise (via text, audio or video); end-to-end encrypted and HIPAA-compliant vendors and service providers. The added advantage of the platform is shopping in all healthcare goods and equipment in a global market of KYC-verified users. 

The revenue streams of the platform include; Subscription Dues, Commission Fees, Licensing Fees, Network Fees and Advertising Space.

How To Participate In Radiologex STO 

The majority of clients are urged to invest in this company because its online investment dashboard is easy to use, register, and invest in minutes. The Round 1 public sale is open for a limited amount of time. More importantly, Round 1 only has a total fixed security token of 20 million. 

To participate in the Radiologex STO, individuals are expected to:

– Register on the platform 

The registration process is easy and fast with a user-friendly interface. With a valid email address and an 8-character password, you will be able to create a personalised account to allow you trade. Here, you will be able to input all personal information and access your trade. 

Trading includes buying and selling of the security tokens. Purchasing the tokens during the Radiologex STO offer, especially in Round 1, you stand the opportunity at buying the token at a more affordable price. The platform allows investors to enjoy full financial freedom, allowing them to earn residual revenue through tokenised stock or trade. 

Moreover, distributions are sent automatically into your wallet. Since its origin is USA, its initial token price is charged in USD, i.e. 1 = 1 USD and the minimum investment is 5,000 USD. As one of the top STO, it has a hard capitalisation of 20 million USD. Radiologex is penetrating markets now because there is a young demographic of healthcare workers who are willing and qualified to enter the job market. Telecommunication upgrades such as the emerging of Web 3.0 and wide-scale broadband such as 5G have made it possible. 

The rapid increase of population has created a high rise of need for remote work. Furthermore, the increased emphasis on improved security has influenced the company to operate as fast as possible due to rise of hacks and phishing attacks.


The above Radiologex review aims to provide a better understanding of the R-DEE network and what it stands to offer the healthcare industry. Other than providing healthcare solutions across the globe, it also allows users to build their investment portfolio via the Radiologex STO. The platform features put together ensure that users in the healthcare industry have access to all important and relevant content about the industry, no matter their location in the world. All they need is a smart device (laptop, smartphone, and tablet) and an internet connection to access all Radiologex features. The operations of the Radiologex Platform are backed by disruptive innovation via blockchain technology to ensure operability and functionality. 

Hopefully, you have enjoyed today’s article. Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day! Live from the Platinum Crypto Trading Floor.



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