The Hooded Egg NFT is a collection of 7,777 distinct Egg NFT, developed by an Australian teenager, who wants to help save endangered animals and conserve the environment. The NFT, residing on the Polygon blockchain network, is the brainchild of Isabella Ker, a 14-year old graphic designer from Australia who envisioned the idea after reading about animal extinction in a local newspaper.
Her ultimate objective is to create a community of like-minded people who are united in their desire to protect the environment and reduce the dangers that animals face from poachers and other predators.
As for the reason behind choosing the Egg as the main theme of her collection, she feels that since most life begins with an egg, this would be a good approach to focus attention on a larger issue affecting the long-term sustainability of the society.
Her team plans to raise $50,000 for the World Wildlife Fund by selling the Hooded Eggs NFT collection and the donation will be made when just half of all the Hooded Eggs have been minted. The longer-term goal is to donate over $100,000 towards saving endangered animals.
As a Hooded Egg holder, it will not only provide you access to the Hooded Egg Club, but it will also grant you access to a great profile picture. In terms of bonus for the NFT buyers, they will be able to engage in a variety of enjoyable activities such as community voting and raffles, in addition to being able to help save endangered creatures on planet Earth.
The cost of a Hooded Egg is 70 MATIC and Ethereum may be simply converted into MATIC. You will need to connect to the Polygon network through a bridge. The presale will begin on April 24, 2022 and the first 100 people who sign up at that time will get a free hat. The public sale will open two days later on April 26, 2022.
The sole ‘Hero’ of the collection is a Golden Egg NFT and the lucky member who acquires it will be given a cash prize of $10,000, a golden custom-made hoodie and a unique shout out as the Head Egg Holder in the community.
In terms of the project roadmap, 10 Egg Holders will receive an extra Hooded Egg NFT once the first 10% of the collection is sold out. At the point of 25% sales, Hooded Egg Holders will have exclusive access to a VIP chat, where they will chat about endangered species as well as exchange updates on NFT and crypto.
When the project hits the 30% sales milestone, Hooded Egg Holders will be entered into a raffle to receive exclusive Hoodies. The team will open its Merch store on achieving 75% of the sales. Thereafter, 5 Egg Holders will get 1,000 MATIC each, valued at $2,000.
In the future, Hooded Egg holders may be able to vote for their favorite charities and non-profit groups who are set to gain from the fundraising initiatives. The team plans to expand their fundraising efforts and hope that it would continue as a long-term project, supported by the blockchain and enthusiastic members.
Besides, Hooded Egg holders will receive exclusive presale access to the 3D collection for the Metaverse. The latter will happen once the entire 100% of the 7,777 collection is sold out.