Our mission is to democratize talent and unify the fragmented global labor market. Bondex is an ecosystem, providing decentralized infrastructure to build the future of work. Our plan is to build the ecosystem on a global professional network and talent, utilizing Blockchain hosted on the decentralized Internet Computer.

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BNDX is the utility and governance token powering Bondex DeFiliquidity MiningNFTstaking, and launchpad capabilities as the ecosystem continues to grow and evolve.

Bondex will be adding incremental value to the ecosystem by drip releasing decentralized applications (DappS); providing paradigm-shifting efficiencies, utilities, and creating economic opportunities for all participants.

Bondex will launch the Origin App which will seed the ecosystem through BNDX token rewards and gamification to achieve exponential user growth through network effects. Users will be able to earn rewards by participating in the network through actions such as uploading their resumes or connecting their LinkedIn profiles. Users can freely trade BNDX token upon launch of main net.

The Bondex app will be released shortly thereafter; allowing users to network with each other; seek professional career opportunities; collaborate on short-term projects and share user-generated content.

The release of DappS into Bondex’ s ecosystem, such as peer-to-peer payment solutions, Defi capabilities including lending, borrowing, and staking; video collaboration; workflow management; chat apps, and many more, will unlock economic value for both individuals and corporate users by sharing revenue with individual users holding BNDX tokens. Bondex believes users should be rewarded for their data.

“The combination of blockchain and other emerging technologies have the potential to disrupt the existing talent networks, work solutions, and start a revolution in the endless market of Talent” said Ignacio Palomera, Bondex Chief Strategy Officer.

Bondex’ s innovative next-generation decentralized talent ecosystem is a win-win for all participants. By delivering significant efficiencies and financial rewards for participating in the ecosystem, Bondex uniquely provides opportunities beyond contemporary solutions and business models.

Press contact:
Roomy Khan
Investor Relations & Compliance Director

Commenting on the potential of the Bondex project CEO Platinum Crypto Academy Mr Karnav Shah said: “Bondex is about democratizing access to global talent. Their Bondex Token is currently on Pre-sale which is a utility and governance token that will power the Talent Ecosystem and enable users to share in its revenue. We are very pleased to discuss Bondex and hope to share more about its journey in the coming weeks.

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