Manilla Finance, a Web3 software-driven company established in 2021, seeks to allow individuals to access cryptocurrency driven utilities seamlessly. The long awaited Manilla Finance Launch is just around the corner scheduled to take place in Q4.
Manilla Finance marks the month of November to be the start of the globe-shifting project. The key objective is not just to provide a better platform for current crypto users but also to introduce many more individuals to blockchain tech and its opportunities.
November signifies the month that starts the “utility bills payment” in crypto. Brace for a positive impact as utility bills payment gets better for cryptocurrency users. The launch is long awaited after a tweet on their official account warming up its followers and crypto enthusiasts to the service.
Individuals will enjoy the ability to pay for utilities such as electricity and water across five continents by using cryptocurrency. By owning a Manilla wallet, individuals can pay for utilities directly without having to convert to fiat currency first. The initial pilot countries for Utility Bills Payment as planned are Nigeria and Kenya, with PHCN and KENGEN respectively. Other features in the Manilla Service Suite will be live in 44 other countries.
The volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market demands that individuals access uninterrupted, real-time data to be at the top of any trade execution. Manilla is therefore building a platform that incorporates a P2P exchange (eliminating 3rd party facilitators) and a utility bills payment option.
November is bound to mark a great milestone for Manilla Finance, as well as cryptocurrency users. Stay tuned as more details about the launch are released in the near future.
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